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SonShine Kids Early Education Sample Contract

This Early Education Contract gives permission to make decisions regarding the health and well-being of your child.  it articulates the terms of the services provided.


SonShine Kids Early Education Sample Contract 

Child’s full Name:___________________________________________________ 
Date of Birth:_______________________________________________________ 


Parents’ Names: 
Cell Phone:_________________________________ 
Cell Phone:_________________________________ 


Emergency Contact 1: ______________________Number:_________________ 
Emergency Contact 1: ______________________Number:_________________ 
Emergency Contact 1: ______________________Number:_________________ 



$4 per hour      
Full time = 3-5 days weekly 

$1 Sibling Discount 
Rates are not set in stone and I will implement a sliding scale as I deem appropriate for individual circumstances. 

Arrangements for payment, by DHS, will be done on an individual basis, but I ask the parents to reimburse what is not paid by DHS. 

** If your child has a rotating schedule, or your schedule needs to change, please provide schedules one week in advance.  It makes appointments outside the home easier to schedule. 

Please provide diapers and wipes, along with any diaper rash ointments necessary, to leave at daycare.  Your child will also need a full change of clothes, according to weather. If you prefer not to leave them, a diaper bag can be brought with the necessary supplies for the day. 

This is the official website for the daycare.  I post activities and pictures of things that the children do. Pictures are also posted on Facebook. We do have a private daycare group as well. I need written permission before I am allowed to use your child’s pictures. You will be given a media release to sign. 


Child’s known allergies________________________________________________ 

Food likes_____________________________________________________________ 

Food dislikes__________________________________________________________ 

Is your child afraid of anything? ________________________________________ 

Has your child been in a home childcare setting before?________________ 

How does your child learn the best? (by doing, hearing, watching, etc) 


Is there anything you feel I need to know about your child? 




I hereby grant permission for my child to use all of the play equipment and participate in all of the activities at the home of Becky O’Reilly. 



I understand that ride on toys, slides, large climbers, chairs, wading pools, sprinklers, sandboxes and other toys are used on a regular basis.  I also understand that helmets and knee/elbow pads will not be provided by the caregiver, but are encouraged to be provided by the parent for activities such as bike riding, rollerblading, skateboarding, etc.  I will not hold the caregivers responsible for injuries incurred while using equipment at the daycare home, providing the children are supervised and the equipment is in good repair. 

Comments or concerns:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 


I have read and understand the contract and parent handbook, and I agree to abide by them. 

Signed____________________________________Date______________ Signed____________________________________Date______________ 


Infant Normal Day 

Please explain what a normal day looks like for your infant.  SonShine Kids Early Education will do our very best to follow it, until your child fits into the normal daily schedule at SonShine Kids. 





I, ________________________, the parent of a child/children at SonShine Kids Early Education (Hereinafter known as SKEE), agree to the following: I understand that my child(ren) whose name(s) are listed below may be photographed at SKEE during normal daycare hours, field trips, or activities. I understand that these photographs may be used in promoting child care services, either in print or on the Internet. The child(ren) are known as: ____________________________________________________.  

With my signature below I grant permission for my child(ren) to be photographed, or their images recorded for print or electronic use in promoting the SKEE’s services. I understand that it is my responsibility to update this form in the event that I no longer wish to authorize the above uses. I agree that this form will remain in effect during the term of my child’s enrollment. I understand that there will be no payment for me or my child’s participation in this release. Please sign here if you would like your child to participate:  

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________  
Date ______________________  

Relationship To Child __________________________  


This is completely voluntary, and SKEE will comply with your wishes, to the best of our ability. If you would prefer your child not participate, please sign and date here: Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________  

Date ______________________  

Relationship To Child __________________________ 

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